Politics has gotten #$!@%! nasty
If you can't we witty, don't be shitty
Then maybe you should stop complaining
If you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question
A civil person's handy list: things to tell people who put you on the spot
Toenail clipping and common scents
You respect my opinion, and I'll respect yours
A civil person's handy list: how not to turn a discussion into a fight
T.S.A. does not mean "time to smart ass"
A civil person's handy list: how not to slow down a TSA screening
Even Steve Jobs has to turn off his cell phone
Stinky foods not to bring on a plane
Louder, they can't hear you in the lobby
Places not to use a cell phone
Thank you for not texting
A flea on the ass of a mosquito
Self test: stadium behavior
Self test: sideline civility
An elevator is like a bathroom
Encourage your kids to play by themselves
Role models will disappoint you
A civil person's handy list: role models who have disappointed us
How do I look? And tell the truth
You realize I can see you
If you don't like it, don't do it
Should we be worried about this?
Don't think you know someone because you see them on TV
A civil person's handy list: commonly used hurtful words and phrases
You realize I can hear you
The smarter things to say
Self test: offensive language
A civil person's handy list: things to think and not say
Just because I'm Catholic, don't assume that a priest has touched me
There aren't enough jails
Take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!
A civil person's handy list: the hands-off list
A civil person's handy list: behavior to avoid in the workplace
Simple requests for portraying black people
Questions you should ask a week before guests come to your house
Who rules when it's not your house?
Manners don't take a vacation
May I have your attention please? Please?
Master score sheet for self-tests
Glossary of terms & other words.