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Yoga XXL: a journey to health for bigger people
Demos Health
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Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
613.704 KOLLAK
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613.704 KOLLAK
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Table of Contents
From the Book
pt. I. How to use this book. 1. Yoga is for everybody : Healthy yogis come in all sizes ; How yoga works ; Body awareness ; Self-awareness and self-reliance -- 2. Getting started : General notes of caution ; Breathing and moving ; Clothing and equipment ; Finding the right yoga class ; Develop your own yoga practice ; Keeping a personal journal ; The structure of this book ; Yoga is joy -- pt. II. Yoga for people with bigger bodies. 3. Postures lying on the back (supine) : Supine starting posture ; Shanti asana ; Lying palm tree posture ; Lying tree posture ; Modified crocodile posture ; Hip joint rotation ; Supine knee rotation ; Knees to chest ; Supine arms and legs stretch ; Spider posture ; Shoulder bridge -- 4. Postures lying on the side : Leg lift sideways ; Head lift sideways -- 5. Postures lying on the stomach (prone) : Prone arms and legs stretch ; Prone shanti asana ; Sphinx posture ; Cobra posture ; Lying bow posture -- 6. Seated postures and bows : Staff posture ; Seated posture on a chair ; Head to knee ; Modified turtle posture ; Head bow sideways ; Fish posture ; Modified table posture -- 7. Seated postures and rotations : Head rotation ; Head and arm coordination ; Arm rotation with outstretched arms ; Arm rotation with bent arms ; Hand lotus posture -- 8. Kneeling postures : Sitting on the heels ; Cow posture ; Tiger posture ; Threading the needle posture ; Torso rotation ; Child posture ; Child and tiger posture ; Modified folded leaf posture ; Modified side rest -- 9. Standing postures and bows : Upright standing posture ; Hero 2 posture ; Modified mountain posture ; Triangle in motion ; Half moon posture ; Hero 1 posture ; Stargazer ; Standing bow posture -- 10. Standing postures with rotations : Torso rotation ; Hip rotation ; Knee rotation ; Twisted triangle posture -- Balancing postures : Palm tree posture ; Tree posture ; Modified hero 3 posture -- 12. Inversions : Modified shoulder stand ; Legs up the wall -- 13. Eye exercises : Focus near and far ; The lying eight ; Cupping and blinking -- 14. Pranayama : Alternate nostril breathing ; Tiger breathing ; Camel posture ; Great gesture -- 15. Relaxing postures : Kaya kriya ; Yoga nidra -- 16. Awareness and meditation : Walking meditation ; Meditation on your body ; Mantra meditation ; Sound meditation ; Visual meditation ; Silence in the stream of your thoughts --
pt. III. Postures in flowing motion. 17. Swinging arms : Triangle in motion ; Arm lift ; Arm rotation ; Repeat posture 2, arm lift ; Folded hands
18. Fancy leg and footwork : Chair posture with folded hands ; Chair posture with splayed fingers ; Chair posture with outstretched arms ; Forward bow with stretched knees
Arm and leg coordination : Hero 2 ; Folded arms in standing position ; Crossed legs and folded hands
pt. IV. Routines to help you develop a daily yoga practice. Enjoy yoga every day
Notes of caution
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20. To wake up : Knees to chest ; Dorsal knee rotation ; Torso rotation ; Palm tree posture
21. To relieve tension : Head rotation ; Arm rotation with bent arms ; Hand lotus ; Hip rotation ; Knee rotation
22. To recharge : Alternate nostril breathing ; Hero 2 posture ; Hero 1 posture
23. To sleep well : Legs up the wall ; Crocodile posture ; Yoga nidra.
How to use this book. Yoga is for everybody ; Getting started
Yoga for people with bigger bodies
Postures in flowing motion
Routines to help you develop a daily yoga practice.
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