That's not how it happened
The light who has lighted the world
There's something peculiar about lying in a dark room. You can't see anything
C'mon Dave, gimme a break
Where were you while we were getting high?
I'm assuming it's going to be fun
I need to be alive (in order to watch TV)
I will choose free will (Canadian reader's note: this is not about Rush)
Everybody's happy when the wizard walks by (or maybe not? Maybe they hate it? Hard to say, really)
Speed kills (until it doesn't)
Not a nutzo girl, not yet a nutzo woman (Miley Cyrus, 2008)
When giants walked the earth (and argued about China)
Use your illusion (but don't bench Ginóbili)
The drugs don't work (actually, they work great)
The city that time remembered (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
But what if we're wrong? (drink the acid, swallow the mouse)
The enemy of my enemy is probably just another enemy
A road seldom traveled by the multitudes
Brown would be the color (if I had a heart)
I hear that you and your band have sold your guitars
House mouse in the mouse house
The man who knew too much
Like regular music, except good