From the Book - First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.
"Nibbled to death by ducks"
"What is an Orrin Hatch?"
"The moral womanly woman is alvie and well in Mississippi"
"God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"
"hang Sen. Dick Clark on a telephone pole"
In which the president of the United States is said to have nearly killed an Indian
No one shoots Santa Claus
"The white, American middle class plus blacks who want the same thing"
"Refusing to fan the flames of moderation"
"Do you ever feel that we might be the generation that sees armageddon?"
"The imam does not often respond"
"Do you believe in miracles?"
"Jimmy's depression is gonna be worse than Herbert's"
"Feed your faith and starve your doubts!"
"Carter is smarter than Reagan"