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Central Library - Children's Fiction - Picture Books
1 available
1 available
A little girl collects wildflowers while on a walk with her distracted father. Each flower becomes a gift, and whether the gift is noticed or ignored, both giver and recipient are transformed by their encounter. This wordless picture book, conceived by award-winning poet JonArno Lawson and beautifully brought to life by illustrator Sydney Smith, is an ode to the importance of small things, small people and small gestures.
2) Stag's leap
"In this wise and intimate telling--which carries us through the seasons when her marriage was ending--Sharon Olds opens her heart to the reader, sharing the feeling of invisibility that comes when we are no longer standing in love's sight; the surprising physical bond that still exists between a couple during parting; the loss of everything from her husband's smile to the set of his hip. Olds is naked before us, curious and brave and even generous...
On Shelf
5 copies, 1 person is on the wait list.
Montecito Library - Adult Fiction - Fiction Area
1 available
1 available
Checked Out
1 copy, 2 people are on the wait list.
Available Online
Checked Out
1 copy, 2 people are on the wait list.
"A letter from a son to a mother who cannot read. Written when the speaker, Little Dog, is in his late twenties, the letter unearths a family's history that began before he was born--a history whose epicenter is rooted in Vietnam--and serves as a doorway into parts of his life his mother has never known, all of it leading to an unforgettable revelation. At once a witness to the fraught yet undeniable love between a single mother and her son, it is...
On Shelf
Eastside Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.6 VUONG
1 available
811.6 VUONG
1 available
Montecito Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.6 VUONG
1 available
811.6 VUONG
1 available
Available Online
"Ocean Vuong's second collection of poetry looks inward, on the aftershocks of his mother's death, and the struggle - and rewards - of staying present in the world. Time Is a Mother moves outward and onward, in concert with the themes of On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous, as Vuong continues, through his work, his profound exploration of personal trauma, of what it means to be the product of an American war in America, and how to circle these fragmented...
American poets continuum volume no. 194
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.6 CHEN
1 available
811.6 CHEN
1 available
Montecito Library - Adult Nonfiction - Fiction Area
811.6 CHEN
1 available
811.6 CHEN
1 available
"In his highly anticipated second collection, Chen Chen continues his investigation of family, both blood and chosen, examining what one inherits and what one invents, as a queer Asian American living through an era of Trump, mass shootings, and the COVID-19 pandemic"--
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
979.491 GRAFFY
1 available
979.491 GRAFFY
1 available
Eastside Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
979.491 GRAFFY
1 available
979.491 GRAFFY
1 available
Montecito Library - Adult Nonfiction - Reppy Reading Room
1 available
1 available
Library Use Only
Central Library - Reference - Locked Case
1 available
1 available
Central Library - Reference - Locked Case
979.491 GRAFFY
1 available
979.491 GRAFFY
1 available
"In 1851 the Town Council of Santa Barbara appointed a committee to apply names to the fifty-two new streets being created ... they gave names to our streets that portrayed the geography and botany of our town, honored the Chumash, early settlers, governors, and showed a distinct sense of humor ... Author and local historian Neal Graffy shares with us the stories behind the names."--P. [4] of cover.
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
861.64 NERUDA
2 available
861.64 NERUDA
2 available
Central Library - Adult Spanish Nonfiction - Spanish Area
861.64 NERUDA
1 available
861.64 NERUDA
1 available
Eastside Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
861.64 NERUDA
1 available
861.64 NERUDA
1 available
Aunque existe un sinnúmero de antologías de la poesía de Neruda, A la Orilla Azul del Silencio es la primera en reunir algunos de sus más bellos poemas sobre el mar. Algunas veces apasionados, otras veces serenos, los poemas de este libro -- presentado en formato bilingüe -- ofrecen al lector la posibilidad de imaginarse lo que habría sido sentarse con Neruda en Isla Negra frente al mar infinito, oyendo el eterno ir y venir de las olas. Con...
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
861.64 NERUDA
3 available
861.64 NERUDA
3 available
From Nobel Laureate Pablo Neruda comes Intimacies--a beautiful companion to On the Blue Shore of Silence--showcasing some of Neruda's most extraordinary love poems, and once again married with Mary Heebner's earthy, evocative paintings. The poems in this collection remind us that love is woven through all life, and that amorous love is only but the tip of such a powerful emotion. This collection presents Neruda at the height of his powers, with some...
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
821.7 KEATS
1 available
821.7 KEATS
1 available
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
1 available
1 available
Montecito Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
1 available
1 available
Available Online
"An exploration and manifesto investigating the power of reading--and our potential to become radically better readers in the world"--
11) Nature poem
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.6 PICO
1 available
811.6 PICO
1 available
A book-length poem about how an American Indian writer can't bring himself to write about nature, but is forced to reckon with colonial-white stereotypes, manifest destiny, and his own identity as an young, queer, urban-dwelling poet.
Nature Poem follows Teebs—a young, queer, American Indian (or NDN) poet—who can't bring himself to write a nature poem. For the reservation-born, urban-dwelling hipster, the exercise feels...
Nature Poem follows Teebs—a young, queer, American Indian (or NDN) poet—who can't bring himself to write a nature poem. For the reservation-born, urban-dwelling hipster, the exercise feels...
12) Lunch poems
The Pocket poets volume no. 19
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.54 O'HARA
2 available
811.54 O'HARA
2 available
Montecito Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.54 O'HARA
2 available
811.54 O'HARA
2 available
"Important poems by the late New York poet published in The New American Poetry, Evergreen Review, Floating Bear and stranger places. Often this poet, strolling through the noisy splintered glare of a Manhattan noon, has paused at a sample Olivetti to type up thirty or forty lines of ruminations, or pondering more deeply has withdrawn to a darkened ware- or firehouse to limn his computed misunderstandings of the eternal questions of life, coexistence,...
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
895.114 QINGGONG
1 available
895.114 QINGGONG
1 available
14) Tropicalia
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
2 available
2 available
Eastside Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
1 available
1 available
"Tropicalia is a collection of poems by Emma Trelles, winner of the Andres Montoya Poetry Prize. The book is a melodic union between the green insistence of the subtropics and the city ensconced within. Trelles's language is detailed and startling, her poems infused with color and light, and the secret beauty of back alleys and parking lots is seamed to sorrow, hope, and land. Rock bands play among odes to Lorca and Chagall, and the hard news of protest...
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.54 LAUX
1 available
811.54 LAUX
1 available
Drawn from Dorianne Laux's five expansive volumes, including her confident debut Awake, National Book Critics Circle Finalist What We Carry, and Paterson Prize-winning The Book of Men, the poems in this collection have been "brought to the hard edge of meaning" (B. H. Fairchild) and praised for their "enormous precision and beauty" (Philip Levine). Twenty new odes pay homage to Laux's mother, an ordinary and extraordinary woman of the Depression era.The...
This anthology features poems by Mark Doty, Ross Gay, Donald Hall, Marie Howe, Naomi Shihab Nye and many others. These poets, from all walks of life, and from all over America, prove to us the possibility of creating in our lives what Dr. Martin Luther King called the "beloved community," a place where we see each other as the neighbors we already are. Healing the Divide urges us, at this fraught political time, to move past the negativity that often...
17) Normal people
Checked Out
2 copies, 2 people are on the wait list.
Available Online
Checked Out
2 copies, 14 people are on the wait list.
Checked Out
Checked Out
2 copies, 14 people are on the wait list.
"At school Connell and Marianne pretend not to know each other. He's popular and well-adjusted, star of the school football team, while she is lonely, proud, and intensely private. But when Connell comes to pick his mother up from her job at Marianne's house, a strange and indelible connection grows between the two teenagers one they are determined to conceal. A year later, they're both studying at Trinity College in Dublin. Marianne has found her...
On Shelf
Central Library - Adult Nonfiction - Nonfiction Area
811.52 WRIGHT
1 available
811.52 WRIGHT
1 available
"Matsuo Basho stands today as Japan's most renowned writer, and one of the most revered. Yet despite his stature, Basho's complete haiku have never been collected under one cover. Until now. To render the writer's full body of work in English, Jane Reichhold, an American haiku poet and translator, dedicated over ten years to the present compilation. In Barbo: The Complete Haiku she accomplishes the feat with distinction. Dividing the poet's creative...
The library does not own any copies of this title.
Burning in Water, Drowning in Flame is poetry full of gambling, drinking and women. Charles Bukowski writes realistically about the seedy underbelly of life.